Weekly Wedding Tip: Surviving Marriage

…on an island.  Recently I was watching a national news program.  They were interviewing a family therapist, Dr. Tom Kersting, regarding a show on A&E called Surviving Marriage on an Island.

Dr. Kersting shared four tips for surviving marriage on an island or anywhere for that matter.  Here are the tips:

  1. Zip It.  Listen.  Everyone knows how to talk.  Swallow you pride, stop talking and listen.
  2. Say, “you’re sorry” or “you’re right”.  Again swallow your pride.  In the scheme of things, does it really matter?
  3. Pick your battles.  Little things can become big.  Don’t battle or argue over trivial things.  Learn to respectfully disagree.
  4. Schedule Talk Times.  Communicate 15 to 20 minutes a day with uninterrupted talk time.  Put down the phone, put down the tablets, turn off the television and just focus and listen to your spouse.  Give your partner your undivided attention

These tips are so simple, yet so powerful.  You’ll find they will not only help you in your relationship with your significant other but at work and other places too.


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