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Happy Labor Day

When I was growing up in Little Rock, Arkansas, Labor Day was always a big deal in our young lives.  It signified the end of summer and the beginning of the school year and fall.  Dad and Mom would load up all the kids in the back of the station wagon and Mimi and Papa (our grandparents) sat in the middle seats (between the front seats and the wagon).

Usually, we’d go to Westridge Country Club for a fun day of swimming, including races and diving contests.  Labor Day always denoted the closing of the pool until next year’s summer season.  The next day, Tuesday, school always started…the day after Labor Day.  It was like clock work.

Nevertheless, we all enjoyed Labor Day.  After a full day of swimming, the club had a dinner for everyone and then we’d take lawn chairs and watch fireworks on the adjoining golf course, Rock Creek.  Exhausted from a full day of sun and swimming and with full tummies, my brother and sister and I would fall asleep on the way home.  That was good because we got a good night’s sleep before starting our first day of school for that year.

I didn’t understand the importance of Labor Day until my career began.  Labor Day is a day off for many.  But for others it’s a day of rest for their hard labor and the rigors of their job.  We need to take time to thank all those that work hard so we have nice streets to drive our cars; textiles and later clothing on our backs; the food we eat; the cars we drive; the homes we live in; the buildings which house our offices; electricity; water; garbage and sewage; gasoline and fuel that makes us mobil; and so much more in our everyday lives that we take for granted.

I say thank you to all and I say a prayer for your safety.  Many of you endure danger to make my life better…oil rigs in the middle of the ocean; getting electricity turned back on in the middle of storms; laying the foundation of a building that houses many lives; protecting our streets; putting out fires; rescuing the stranded.  Even though I have never met most of you, I appreciate all you do to make my life better and the lives of so many others better.  Hapy Labor Day to You and God Bless!

