Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers and expectant mothers!  Although my precious Mother passed away four years ago, it was her love, devotion and guidance that made me who I am today. She taught me more than right from wrong. Mother taught me that you can “never go wrong, by doing the right thing.” Throughout my life as a young child, I witnessed my Mom and Dad living those words. They stood up for what they felt was right even though society did not agree. Those were turbulent times in the late fifties and early sixties in Little Rock, AR. Dad lost some business; Mom lost social status; yet, they lived by their convictions of right from wrong which was passed on to me and my brother and sister. I learned a lot of things from Mother:

When I married my husband, I instantly became a step-mother to three teenage girls. I tried to impart to them the same love, understanding and values that my mother gave me. Many times, I found myself calling Mom for advice on how to handle a situation. Often times, Mom would laugh and say, “Payback is hell!” I guess when I was a complicated and rebellious teenager and Mom would say to me, “I hope you have a child just like you,” her wishes came true. We all had a good laugh and so life goes on. But not forever!

I miss you Mom! And I will always love you!



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