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Looking Your Best for Your Wedding

Every bride is beautiful, but if you want to look particularly radiant on your big day, start several months ahead of time by exercising and eating right.  Your skin will glow, your body will be toned and you’ll look great on your honeymoon!

The best way to get rid of any unwanted pounds is by reducing or eliminating many whole wheat flours and all white flours (bread, pasta, rice, cereal) and sugars from your diet.

An eating plan that consists of lean meats (nothing fried), green vegetables and fruit will give you clearer skin, less body fat and more energy.  Eating this way will also help you avoid irritability and fatigue as your wedding schedule gets busy.

White flours and sugars increase your insulin level, which in turn causes body fat production and mood swings due to fluctuating blood sugar levels.

Scheduling time for exercise is as important for your emotional health as it is for your physical health.  A well rounded fitness program should include exercises for strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness.

Working out a minimum of three days a week for 30 minute sessions will pay off in more ways than one.

Light weight training will help you to lose inches and firm up specific areas, such as your arms, inner thighs, rear, etc.  Contrary to many misconceptions, weight training does not cause women to bulk up, but actually increases the metabolic rate so your body will burn more body fat at rest.  If you want to reshape your body, weight training is the answer.

Cardio fat burning workouts such as walking, running, aerobics classes or bicycling will burn fat and help you lose pounds.

In order for your abdominals to be tight and flat, you should perform at least three sets of 25 crunches daily.  Abdominal results are obtained by consistency and intensity of workouts.

If your wedding plans make you tense, participating in regular pilates classes will relax and calm you by stretching your muscles and releasing stress.

Remember, if you don’t take care of your health, no one will either.  Taking time for yourself in today’s busy world is no longer a luxury but a necessity.  You will be glad you did and so will your new husband.

Written by Marilyn Tyler, owner of Fitness Lady with two locations…one in Ridgeland, MS and the other in Pearl/Brandon, MS
