Weekly Wedding Tip: Pre-Wedding/Engagement

  1. Consider your engagement as the beginning of your lifelong commitment; it’s the perfect time to create a healthy foundation for your marriage.  As you plan your wedding, focus on your financial future by sharing dreams, savings, and debt issues, and start making a joint plan.
  2. For weddings that fall around holidays such as New Year’s Eve, to reinforce the date, create personalized, magnetic save-this-date cards, and send them out at least six month’s in advance.
  3. If you’re a disorganized bride, the stress will show at every turn.  Use the pre-wedding time to organize and weed-out conflicts, clutter, and emotions.  Enlist expert help to support you by hiring a financial advisor, wedding planner, organizational consultant and personal trainer.  The extra time and money invested will result in a successful wedding and good-to-go marriage.
  4. Once the engagement is announced, choose the bridal party carefully.  Yes, it’s an emotional time, but use logic when you make important decisions.  Consider: emotions, personalities, dependability, affordability, and your relationship with him/her. Once you make the offer, you can’t take it back, so use your best judgment.
  5. A good test for a photographer is the engagement photo.  Pay attention to the way he/she communicates and whether or not you are handled in a relaxed but professional manner.  Is this person willing to work with you?  Do you love the results?  Is the customer service excellent?  Don’t sign up for the package deal until you’ve seen the end result.
  6. Host your engagement party at a restaurant that caters to celebrations and ask whether they might give you a discount on catering, etc., if you also book your shower or rehearsal dinner with them at the same time.
  7. Don’t put off discussing premarital agreements – get it out of the way, right away.  Yes, it’s awkward, but it’s part of our culture.  If you try to slide the issue on the table a month before the wedding, you’re not only asking for disaster, but it might not hold up in a court of law because it can be considered an agreement made under pressure.
  8. WEL-COME – “Wedding Essentials List:  Communicate/Compromise, Organize, Manage and Exercise.”  During the engagement period, work on these everyday.  You’ll reduce your stress during the hectic and emotional months ahead.
  9. Use the engagement time wisely.  Pre-marriage counseling is meant to weed out potential problems and strengthen your communications.
  10. Right after the engagement is announced, create a wedding binder with plastic sleeves.  Any items or documents you find can be organized immediately.
  11. Make your engagement public by placing a formal announcement and black and white photo in local newspapers, alumni and professional publications.  Before sending in your written spec sheet (parents of bride and groom, career information, etc.), have someone proof it for accuracy, and put your names and phone number on the back of the photo.  Most often, this is a free public service.
  12. The pre-wedding phase is crucial planning time.  Make a list of things you want to delegate and create a support system from the start.
  13. What’s your wedding style?  After you’re engaged and before you’re knee-deep in wedding planning, take some time with your sweetie and discuss your unique wedding vision. Maybe it isn’t the large, formal, Saturday evening affair. Or, maybe it is. Either way, it should ultimately reflect the two of you.
  14. The most critical part of the wedding: the marriage license. Without it, you can’t get married. Call the office in your county that handles marriage licenses, and get all of the important details, such as when you need to apply, how much it costs, and what types of payment are accepted. Do this far in advance of the wedding!
  15. Be a happy bachelorette. Be clear and articulate with your bridesmaids about the type of bachelorette party you would like to have. You don’t have to dictate the details, but if you want an ‘intimate gathering of friends to talk’ and they’re planning a ‘wild night at strip clubs’ you may feel a wee bit disappointed, not to mention uncomfortable.
  16. Finally, enjoy this time and use it as a time to bring in your Groom’s family!

For more tips, pick up your free copy of Premier Bride.  Where to find a copy?  Go to www.premierbridems.com


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