Turkey Feather Bow Ties?

Yes, they are called Brackish Bow Ties and they are the original turkey feather bow ties. Check out their website: www.brackishbowties.com

It all started with the “Chief Turkey”, Ben Ross, an avid outdoorsman. Ben wanted a classy alternative to the standard black bow tie. He wanted something that stood out; something that hadn’t been seen before and something that would make heads turn. Turkey feathers filled the bill. When Ben got married, he gave all his groomsmen a Brackish Bow Tie for his wedding. It was a hit and the buzz for his bow ties began! Best of all, no two bow ties are the same and they all represent the individuality of each person that wears one. Each bow tie is a unique handmade work of art representing Ben’s passion for the outdoors and his love of family.

The Brackish Bow Tie is something unique that every groom can bring to his wedding and to his groomsmen and ushers.


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